Using the customizable mouse in Silo.
Silo comes with a completely-customizable mouse setup.  This means that you can assign all camera movement and object selection commands to any mouse/modifier combination, but you can also assign any of the commands that you find in the menus or keyboard shortcuts of Silo to your mouse buttons or scroll wheel.  This tutorial goes over the basics of doing so.
The mouse customization dialog is found under the Options menu.  Choose Options > Mouse Setup...

Here is the mouse customization dialog.  At the top you will find several buttons that will load different preset mouse setups, in addition to buttons for loading and saving mouse setups that you have created or downloaded (the file extension used for these files is .sml).

Beneath these buttons you'll see several drop-down menus that allow you to specify which function happens when you press the right mouse button, or when you press the left mouse button while holding Alt and Shift down, etc.

At the top of each of these drop-down menus are functions that are only available to use from the mouse, and the rest of the functions follow in alphabetical order.  These other functions can also be assigned to keyboard shortcuts or image buttons via the button and keyboard customization dialogs.   Try playing with some of the functions which may not seem obvious from their name as to their use. 

For example, Tweak Select allows you to click, drag, and release to perform a selection, transformation, and deselection all in one motion.  If an element is already selected, clicking and dragging will perform whatever transformation corresponds to your current manipulator (scale, move, rotate, etc) without selecting or deselecting anything. 

Another example is the difference between Select Visible New and Select Thru New - the first selects only the components visible to you on the screen, while the latter selects everything in the selection area including components that may be obscured by other components.
Visit our forums at  There you can upload and download mouse customization files, along with other customizations and models.  Find an artist you like and try using the mouse setup he/she uses.